I am writing on the sixth day of our trip in India. If you were to tell me that I would know this much after six days I might say that I am afraid to see what I know after six months. Things move very fast here and I must say that I had the stereo type that only in America did things move so fast. One day in a car on a New Delhi street changed that perception.
I have to come to figure out that there are layers of culture shock. I think this will be an on going process of thinking I know something about this place and then realizing that I have no clue.
Steve and I have decided to offer many different ways of posting on this blog. As of now it has been difficult to get good Internet connection at Hargobind’s house... this is probably the only difficult thing that we have experienced here... I feel as though we have been wrapped up in the love and welcome of this family. It has been great.
Here is a little overview of the monuments we have seen, and mentionable activities:
8/18 Day One- New Delhi adventuring- Red Fort and Baha’i House of Worship
8/19 Day Two- Beginning “The Golden Triangle” tour- Driving to Jaipur-
Amber Fort......... “Water Palace” ...

8/20 Day Three-Animal watching- Keoladeo Ghana National Park- We had a blast here!

and the Grand Fatehpur Sikri Mosque

8/21 Day Four- Seeing the indescribable Taj Mahal driving back to New Delhi

We can't take her anywhere!

8/22 Day Five- Train to Amritsar and Hargobind’s Family

8/23 Day Six- Golden Temple, being special guests at a friend of the families

8/24 Day Seven- Going for an early walk in the park, suit shopping and seeing Sunder Kaur’s wedding ring being finished by the jeweler


Party at the "club"

"Guru" Jasleen Teaching Paramjit Yoga excercices for his hurting back

If you would like to see more pictures from Amritsar click on the flickr pictures to the right of this blog.